Get Ready For Spring Landscaping

Spring will be here before you know it, and it will soon be time to landscape your yard. These tips will help you get ready for spring planting activities, so your landscaping efforts can be more successful and easier to execute. 

Remove Dead and Diseased Trees

Trees cast parts of the lawn in shade, which means the flowers and shrubs you plant around a tree will be different from the plants and shrubs that you plant in open, unshaded areas. If there's a tree on your property that needs to be removed, it should be taken out before you decide what to plant in that part of your lawn. This will ensure that the types of plants that you grow will be correct for the level of shade in that part of the yard. 

Get Sprinkler Systems Repaired

Your sprinkler heads are designed to water your lawn evenly, covering all the necessary square footage. Broken sprinkler heads can leave some areas of your lawn flooded and other areas dry, which is severely detrimental to the health of your lawn and landscaping. Irrigation maintenance is a critical part of maintaining a healthy, beautiful lawn.

Plan to fix and broken heads in your sprinkler system before the landscaping and planting begins in the spring. For more information and a consultation with an expert, contact an irrigation repair company in your area like Davidson's Landscape Service, Inc..

Prune to Rejuvenate

Cutting back plants just before the start of the growing season will lead to bushy new growth. When pruning plants, use a clean, sanitized pair of pruning shears to prevent the spread of plant diseases.

Be careful during your pruning, however. Some flowering plants grow buds in the fall and bloom in the spring. Cutting off the tips of these plants will remove the buds. To find out which plants should be pruned and which plants should be left alone, look up each plant or consult with an expert at a plant nursery. 

Remove Yard Waste

You're going to want a clean slate on your lawn when it's time to plant. Now is the time to remove yard waste, to make planting easier. To do this, rake and remove any dead leaves that fell last fall. Tear out old annuals that are now shriveled. Remove branches that may have fallen on your lawn during winter storms. Finally, remove perennial shrubs that you no longer wish to care for, so that you can plant something more desirable in that spot when the time comes. 

These types of maintenance can make landscaping easier and more satisfying. With all this done, your lawn will be ready for landscaping when spring arrives. 
