Two Tips To Help You Choose The Right Design For Your Landscape

A well-manicured lawn can work wonders when it comes to boosting the curb appeal of your home.  There's nothing like seeing lush, green grass that is dotted with flowers, trees and other types of shrubbery.  However, there's much more to a beautiful yard then simply cutting the grass and keeping it watered:  You need a good design.  Unless you're a landscaper, you may not know quite where to start.  Use this information to learn two tips that can help you choose the right design for your landscape.

Aim For Function

The first thing you want to do when you're designing your yard is aim for function.  You want your lawn to not only be beautiful, but highly practical and functional as well.

For example, you can use the trees and bushes in your yard to increase your privacy and shade.  Strategically place trees in areas of the yard that are near the windows of the common rooms in your house.  If you and your family frequently congregate in the living room, place a tree near the window so that it can help to decrease the glare from the sun that shines in through the window.

Also, if you enjoy entertaining in your kitchen while still enjoying a view of the outside, you can place trimmed bushes near the windows to this room.  This will give you a bit of privacy so that you can leave the blinds or curtains open without being fully exposed to the outside world.

Plant Flowers That Match Your Exterior Decor

Creating a seamless color flow from the structure of your house to the lawn is another great way to make your property more appealing.  Find out which flowers have the same colors as those that are on your home and plant them for a gorgeous montage that is sure to get noticed.

You can also go with complementary colors as well.  To find complementary colors, you would look for the colors that are directly across from the colors of your home on the color wheel.  This means that if you have green shutters, you can really set things off by dotting your yard with red flowers.

Designing your landscape, on your own or with the help of a company like Greg Boyer Landscape Corp, is all about understanding how to create a symmetrical yard that looks amazing to the eye.  When you're ready to design an incredible lawn, keep these tips in mind so you can be pleased with the final result.
