Caring For A New Fruit Tree Sapling

If you recently purchased a fruit-bearing sapling to place upon your land, you are likely excited about the prospect of it growing food you can eat in the future. To ensure your tree grows healthily, perform the following steps during this important stage of your tree's life.

Plant The Tree At The Correct Time

It is best to purchase and plant a fruit tree during the end of winter or the beginning of spring after the ground has thawed. Planting a tree during the summertime months can cause it to become distressed. During the colder time of the year, a tree is dormant and will not go into shock when it is placed in a new location. Fruit tree saplings are usually ordered online and come with the root area wrapped in thick material to mimic the warmth of the ground. Place the tree outdoors for several days so it has a chance to become accustomed to cooler temperatures. Fill a bucket with water and set the root area of the tree inside. When you are ready to place the tree in the ground, dig a hole, remove the protective covering from the tree's root area, set it in the hole, and add water around the base of the tree before covering the hole with dirt.

Water Your Tree Very Frequently

A fruit tree requires a lot of water during the first years of its life. Make it a habit to check on the condition of the ground around your fruit tree daily. If the dirt does not feel moist to the touch, watering around the base of the tree provides it with much-needed moisture. If the ground feels moist, hold off a day or so and check again. 

Be Aware Of The Need For Pruning

Young fruit trees require pruning to ensure they continue to thrive and provide fruit when they get older. To encourage growth, prune your fruit tree each year. This involves the cutting of branches with a very sharp knife. If your tree's branches are insufficient, trimming the dominant central trunk will encourage the growth of side branches. Remove any branches that appear to have damaged wood. Also, remove one or more branches that are resting against another branch. Prune your fruit tree at the end of summer if you wish to discourage excessive growth and prune in the winter if you want your tree to look fuller.

For more information, contact a tree care service near you.
