An island planting is a garden bed in the center of the lawn. This bed may feature flowers, low shrubs, a tree, or a combination of these. Keeping island plantings attractive requires more than just tending the plants; you also need to protect the soil.
Island Planting Soil Issues
Weeds are a major concern in an island bed. Not only the well-known weeds like dandelions and crabgrass but also weedy growth from lawn grasses invading the bed.
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If your sprinklers are not working properly this can be due to a variety of things. Fortunately, in many cases, you can get the sprinklers working again to help you save money from buying new ones. Below are two problems that it could be and how they can be repaired.
Problems with the Sprinkler Heads
The first thing to look at is the sprinkler heads as this is a common problem and not hard to repair.
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The key to ensuring your commercial property looks its best at all times is to make sure the landscaping is kept up year-round. A big part of your commercial landscaping is made up of the lawn and its appearance and condition: a spotty lawn is not going to impress any customers. Here are some recommendations for you to use as you keep your commercial property well-kept and looking great to benefit your business.
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When fall comes, many homeowners take somewhat of a break from landscaping and figure they'll re-focus on their yard and gardens when spring arrives. If you're not sure what to do tor your yard after a long summer of watering, mowing, and fertilizing, you can manage to squeeze in just a few more specific landscaping services this fall. With these services, you will have a more beautiful yard come springtime.
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If you own a management company that helps manage communities or you're on the board of your neighborhood's HOA, you're sure to know that keeping that providing upkeep and services is important for all residents who pay HOA fees. One thing that every HOA should have a plan for is snow removal. In most cases, communities who have HOAs also have private streets, so you can't count on the city or municipality to make arrangements to have the streets plowed after a snowfall.
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